Fake sexual assault reports are now on the rise. These cases can be motivated by various reasons, be it personal enmity, monetary benefits, attention-seeking, etc. These kinds of reports not only harm innocent people but also question the people who are genuine victims of these crimes.
These kinds of cases also murder the core essence of powerful moments like “ME TOO MOMENT, “ which leads to gender bashing, thus creating complexity and distrust towards the actual abuse.
Now We See How Society Plays a Role in Cases:
- Patriarchy: The patriarchal mindset of the society and the concept of shame and disgrace in the society leads to gender bashing. This leaves society divided into two, due to this distrust in society, the real victims get under the bus.
- Social Media with social being a prominent tool now the news of these cases be it real or fake spreads like wildfire. Giving out sensitive information which results in the case becoming complex and sensational.
- Lack of awareness on topics like consent and boundaries results in the mishandling of both real and fake cases.
- We as a society should balance the support for survivors and the consequences of fake sexual assault reports.
How Can Detectives Help in Fake Sexual Assault Reports?
1. Investigation: Detectives with their knowledge and investigations can distinguish real cases from false ones by collecting evidence related to that specific case and validating facts in them.
2. Digital forensics: Private detectives can use digital forensics,i.e. the digital evidence trails left behind by the party. Some of the digital forensics include metadata analysis, phone conversations, social media monitoring, ethical hacking, etc.
3. Tracing The Origin: With the use of multiple sources both digital and on the ground, the investigator can trace back to the ground zero impartially of the case with hard cold evidence of the concerned case. This kind of intricate investigation can be a great tool to serve justice.
4. Proper course of Action: A good investigator receives good training in terms of ethics. This kind of strict training, funding and an ample amount of free hand in investigation can give more than satisfactory and unbiased results in the investigation.
5. Ethical Research: A good investigator will be empathetic yet unbiased to both parties while investigating the case. With the utmost priority given to the truth and justice.
Now the point comes that how one gets aware of the fake sexual assault reports?
- Public Campaigns: Campaigns held by NGOs, government, support groups, etc. can hold seminars and campaigns in schools, colleges, workplaces etc. To make people aware of the issue and what measures can be taken.
- POSH Training: Making POSH training mandatory for all institutions and forming an unbiased, neutral POSH committee in the respective institutions.
- Social Media: All social media platforms should enforce strict guidelines for spreading fake, unverified information. Even there should be an action taken against it.
- Ethical Journalism: Just like the investigators stay unbiased and ethical. Similarly, journalists should be unbiased and should provide ethical news to the masses. So that justice can prevail and people can be aware.
- Open debates and discussions: The taboo around the very issue of sex should be openly discussed, especially with youth. The ideas of consent, good touch or bad touch, self-defense, etc. must be inculcated in the discussion.
- Dating apps and coaches: Dating apps and coaches should give some guidelines to make their clients safe from potential dating scams like fake sexual assault reports, cases etc.